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Interested in being an intern for Research Computing? Duke undergraduate students can contact us directly for positions during the academic year or apply through Code+ to be part of a 10 week summer coding experience.

Current Interns

Project: Visualization in Python for Duke Data Scientists

Student Participants: Juan Assad, Susan Feng, Joey Nolan, Alyssa Ting, Alan Wang
Project Leads: Katie Kilroy, Mark McCahill
Project Managers: Peining Yang
Year: 2022

Project: Using ML/NLP to Identify Relationships and Similarities in Grant Proposal Texts
Student Participants: Prince Ahmed, Rose deportee, Quan Doan, Rodrigo Guerrero, Julie Ou, Isabelle Xiong
Project Leads: Andy Ingham, Mark McCahill
Project Managers: Peining Yang
Year: 2022

Former Interns

Johnny Pesavento

I’m Johnny, and I am a freshman studying computer science and possibly economics. My main areas of expertise are Python (including Jupyter), web development, and git.

Kevin Kong

I’m Kevin, a first-year interested in computer science, math, and finance. My main area of expertise is Java, along with some web development and git experience.

Amir Ergashev

My name is Amir and I’m also a freshman planning to study computer science, with possibly Russian. My main area of expertise is Java, with a bit of git and web development. In my free time, I enjoy playing ping pong and going to the gym.