Research Toolkits is a self-service portal for researchers to manage access to various IT services in support of their research.
See Using Research Toolkits for help getting started.
Currently there are two types of groups and associated services:
Self Service Projects
Duke faculty can create projects and can grant access to students or designees (project admins) per project. Project admins can create project teams, provision and manage virtual machines (4 CPU cores, 40GB of RAM, and 200GB of Storage is granted at no cost per faculty member), storage, and gitlab groups for the project. Once provisioned, the services are available by team membership or to all members of the project.
Projects and resources can be deleted by project admins when they are no longer needed, which returns allocated resources to faculty to support the next project. All projects require an annual renewal by a project admin to remain active and if not renewed will be deleted along with all of their associated resources.
Research Groups
Research groups are created by the research computing team to support dedicated research groups/labs that share persistent research goals requiring additional computational and storage resources. Once setup, faculty/PIs can manage their delegates and group memberships. Currently, research groups are used to manage:
- Duke Compute Cluster access and storage, including self-service quota increases with a fund code up to 10TB
- Access to group/lab purchased servers hosted and supported by OIT
- Access to Data Commons storage hosted on the DCC and Globus
- Gitlab groups dedicated to the research group
New groups/labs can be requested by faculty/PIs through